North Suffolk Circle of the King’s Daughters

Meets the Second Tuesday of each month (September-June) at 6:30 p.m. New members and visitors are always welcome at the meetings.

Circle Fundraisers include: Driver Days Festival, Toner Collection/Recycling, and Scarecrow Project.


Suffolk Exchange Club

Meets the Third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Berea Christian Church. New members and visitors are always welcome. Please RSVP by contacting Margaret Moore at (757)538-0607.

The National Exchange Club – a service organization with 700 clubs and more than 21,000 members throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.    Founded in 1911 in Detroit by businessmen who wanted to “exchange” ideas on making their community better, the Exchange Club moved its headquarters to Toledo in 1917. For a hundred years, Exchange Club volunteer efforts have supported the needs of the country and of local communities, making it the country’s oldest American service organization operating exclusively in this country.


Contact Us

Berea Christian Church

4109 Driver Lane

Suffolk, Virginia 23435







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